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Don’t get tricked by a phishing scam

Learn how to navigate away from an attack.

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    Cyber criminals go phishing every day, preying on businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Their schemes lure victims into divulging information, downloading malware to be used for financial fraud or as a way to infect or gain access to systems.


    Don't get tricked by a phishing scam infographic

    Don’t get tricked by a phishing scam

    Phishing attacks can target your business for multiple reasons, but they all start with an innocent-looking email. Know what to watch for and how to protect yourself.

    • Message
      The sender may urge you to act quickly to solve a problem before thinking it through
    • Sender
      The email may appear to be from someone you know or a company you do business with. Beware of executive or vendor impersonation used to trick recipients.
    • Spelling
      Misspellings and grammatical errors are common in phishing emails.
    • Design
      Branding, logos and fonts may resemble those of a known company, such as your bank.
    • Attachments and links
      Links may lead to fraudulent landing pages that mimic legitimate websites to steal your passwords. Attachments may contain spyware or ransomware. When in doubt, don’t click.
    • 51% of small-business leaders believe they won’t be the target of a cyberattack.
    • 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email.
    • 1/5 of small- and medium-sized businesses have fallen victim to ransomware attacks.
    • 241,342 phishing attempts were reported to the FBI in 2020 — twice as many as in 2019.
    • $1.8 billion was lost to business email compromise in 2020, a type of phishing that targets wire transfers.
    • $54 million was lost to standard phishing schemes in 2020.

    Spot the lure

    Double-check URLs, get a second opinion from a colleague and confirm suspicious requests from suppliers or customers with a phone call.

    Keep your business safe with cybersecurity resources from Chase.


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